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City Paper: DIGS Series- Christina Butler Does Things the 
Right Way.

We were honored when the City Paper featured our work described us as a "preservation badass. She writes about historic preservation. She teaches it. She renovates. And she lives in a modern home built to feel like something a skilled Charleston tradesman would have lived in 250 years ago."



Conversations with Dr. Walter Edgar

Butler talks with Walter Edgar about Charleston’s topographic history and the challenges it faces in the 21st century on his popular radio show and podcast. The conversation highlighted the findings in Butler's book, Lowcountry At High Tide: The History of Flooding, Land Reclamation, and Drainage (USC Press, 2023). 


Samantha Brown's Places to Love

Christina showed Samantha Brown around Charleston's Hampstead/East Side neighborhood to explore the cultural legacies of ironworker Philip Simmons, and showed her around the impressive American College of the Building Arts campus. 


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